Awakened Pelvis Bodywork
Tantric awakening on a soul & visceral level.
Awaken your core self
What story does your body hold?
Are you willing to let that story go?
What would it feel like to have free flow in your core, your pelvis, your animal body nature seamlessly married to your soul blueprint?
What would freedom feel like?
What is Awakened Pelvis bodywork?
The pelvis and belly (viscera) hold an immense amount of energy.
The seat of the soul. The place we protect, we activate for fight or flight… we soften when we are safe and vulnerable, and in our parasympathetic nervous system response.
Your open heart is deeply connected to the pelvis, as the nerves of the parasympathetic (your rest and digest system, which is activated when you feel safe and at ease) are foundational to your ability to respond to the world without over-responding.
Not only this, but the dynamic flow, function, and sensation of the pelvic musculature and nerves affect all of our life…
birth and reproduction
sexual function and pleasure
exercise, body function on all levels, ease of movement
breathing & continence (pressure system between diaphragm and pelvic floor)
energetic freedom & sense of ease, groundedness, & stability
This bodywork is more than just one style or mode of work, but rather a living, breathing, dynamic dance between practitioner & client, which incorporates some or all of the following:
visceral manipulation (organ work) or Mayan abdominal massage for womb & other organs
psoas release/massage work
Neuro-structural integration & myofascial release work on belly and tailbone, sacrum & inner pelvic area (typically accessed externally, through a sheet or clothing). We work to release areas of tension/adhesion in muscle & fascia, as well as around nerves themselves, to awaken parasympathetic neurological function, and sensation (nerve force). This also works to balance the overall hips and pelvis structurally, and re-train musculature.
corrective exercise /personal training exercise may be included in our sessions to help maintain positive changes and balance in structures, and re-train and awaken lengthened/weakened sides of the core and pelvic floor
occasionally this work also may include (with clear permission and boundaries on both parties’ sides) internal work to assess and re-orient the sacral nerves and tailbone, or for inter-vaginal pelvic floor release work, including:
Yoni mapping- internal vaginal pelvic floor journey of re-claiming, reviving, and embodiment allowing for trauma release, re-patterning of nerve and muscle, and the indirect effect of reawakening pleasure centers.
Somatic and visual brain repatterning work
What is this bodywork NOT?
This bodywork is a powerful portal for awakening for the neurology, musculature, and viscera of the pelvis and belly, as well as whole body and spirit.
However, there are clear lines and boundaries as to what this work is and is not.
This is not sex work, and is not innately sexual in nature, but rather has the lovely side effect of helping awaken your own sexuality in the privacy of your own time, after our time together.
To be clear: there is no sexual touch of genitals, and this work is done typically through clothing or sheets, externally and in a way that is both safe, calming, centering, and also professional and clinical in nature.
The work blends bodywork, somatic work, breath awareness, and conscious practice to begin re-wiring your connection to your body, along with safe touch from the practitioner, working along nerve pathways, viscera, and muscle of pelvis, belly, and sometimes other areas of the body to help unwind patterns of holding, guarding, nerve deadening, dissociation and more.
For women, this work can also include some internal yoni work, which is discussed ahead of time, and can be included or not. This particular process of mapping, balancing musculature and nerve force, in the yoni (vulva and vaginal canal) is done from the perspective not only of bodyworker, but also midwife-doula, and can be an amazing way to reconnect dissociated parts. That said, this is done only when client AND practitioner feel safe and secure in doing so, and is non-sexual in nature.