Welcome to the Portal

Discover the Nourished Waters Birth Portal for all things Pregnancy, Birth and Beyond!

Here are some of the things you will learn joining the Portal:

  • Learn about:

    Nutrition to prepare for pregnancy

    How to choose a birth attendant

    Deciding if free birth is for you

    Creating a birth plan

  • Learn all things pregnancy including:

    Nutrition, supplementation and herbs

    Birth plan creation

    Prenatal exercise program

    Prevention of diastasis and pelvic floor issues

    Informed consent for many big questions

  • Learn about:

    Empowered birth

    Pain measures and transcendence

    Altered states & birth

    Emergency skills

    Labor skills

    Rebozo skills for labor

    Herbs and homeopathy

    Placenta arts and 3rd stage of labor

    Normal physiologic labor

    and common “complications”

  • We will also cover:

    Postpartum repair for pelvic floor, belly & diastasis, and other corrective exercises and self-care

    Newborn care

    Placenta arts

    Herbals and nutrients for postpartum

    Other aspects of postpartum care

    Perinatal and postpartum mood disorders

    and more!

Ananta’s Well ~ The Sacred Thresholds Podcast

Ala drumming over a woman in closing the bones ceremony